MBC celebrates finishing touches on Kroc Center and retirement of Superintendent, Bruce Jones
MBC is proud of this beautiful build for the Salvation Army, Ray and Joan Kroc Community Center in Camden...we are jussssst about complete. This 4,500 sq. ft. steel-framed addition is an expansion for a larger gymnasium and multipurpose room for visitors primarily from the Camden Community. MBC was happy to take on this expansion to only enhance the remarkable work that Kroc Center provides! Stay tuned for a view of the inside when they officially open. 🙌👀🙌
Kroc had a MBC all-star team with the best of the best, including our own, Bruce Jones, as the Project Superintendent. Bruce has given two fantastic years to MBC serving at John Brooks Recovery Center in South Jersey and is now leaving Kroc Center as his last project before he starts his retirement. We wish you nothing but the best, Bruce! We feel pretty fortunate to celebrate another grand opening and an incredible Superintendent!🥳🥳🥳 #buildingontrust#mbcbuilds#mbccares#welcometothembcfamily#brucerocks#retirement
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